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The survey: a powerful weapon for special database marketing
« : Январь 01, 2022, 01:45:49 pm »
concerning the target and the market you special database entering; we are talking about polling.  Updated on October 11, 2021 To ignore the data relating to it would be to undertake a project without knowing the ins and outs. And therefore to act by excluding the realities of the market. It is therefore essential to clearly identify the needs. And also the expectations of its targets before implementing a strategy. special database It is also just as important to gauge the satisfaction of your users or customers . This is where the survey is positioned as the ultimate weapon of marketing. The survey: what is it? The survey is a method of collecting data generally used to analyze the behavior of a population.

The study is based more precisely on a sample of this population. Then, its results will be extrapolated to the level of the general study subject, which is also called the special database parent population. When it comes to digital marketing , the survey will provide quantitative data that will then be used to shape or rectify the strategy implemented by the company . Unlike the questionnaire, the survey only allows one answer per question. It is therefore a question of sending a series of questions to your prospects and your customers, then to ensure that all the answers are collected.

As such, the online survey offers the advantage of being special database easy to implement . The responses are collected by automatic centralization, which makes it even easier to use the data. If you are planning to use a digital marketing survey , special database then all you need to do is opt for one of the many solutions for creating online surveys. anthedesign-survey-marketing The importance of the survey in digital marketing Conducting a survey meets many objectives. In terms of special database marketing, this tool allows the collection of essential data concerning your targets (level of satisfaction, commitment, loyalty, etc.), but also on your market in general (trends, competition, etc.).